I'm Not Picky, It's Just Too Sticky

An empowering and light-hearted illustrated story book, designed to support children living with a food sensory processing disorder (SPD).

Jack, the protagonist, doesn't like many foods. Not because he’s picky, the texture can make him feel uncomfortable. His mum doesn’t understand why he refuses to eat and when she calls him picky, it makes Jack upset.

The story follows Jack’s unexpected adventure when a portal opens inside his fridge, transporting him to a mystical world where he is met by some fun foodie friends who support him in overcoming his fears.

When developing the books illustration style, we experimented with various mediums, including printmaking, watercolors and digital drawings. We pride ourselves on working to meticulous briefs and have a multi-dimensional design approach that focuses on strong character development, leveraging techniques including kinesics such as body language and facial expressions.

When finalising the book, we focused on key messaging to stand out to the reader and enhanced key vocabulary with creative typography and targeted font sizing. 

We collaborate with customers and conduct meticulous market research to understand and target your desired audience. For this project, we gained insights from experts in SDPs and held focus groups with parents of children with processing disorders.